Wrong Turn
In the beginning of the month. I went on a rafting trip. The rafting trip included the whole KSD District. About a total of 18-20 students participated including staff. We arrived at Bell Creek where camp was already set up. As we landed students were already there. The first day I arrived other students from Chuathbaluk on up. The first day we just hung out and got to know each other at the bon fire we had. It was fun. The 2nd day we break camp down and headed off down river. The first 200 yards we had to get out of the raft due to getting stuck. Making it hard but it was fun, at least we started to raft. We found camp and set up, and started cooking. Everyday we basically did the same thing over and over again. Taking turns to cook, clean up and everyone helped out breaking and setting up camp. Along with unloading and loading the boats. Which was great teamwork. On the 2nd to last day we took a wrong turn. At first I thought it was an okay idea that the chaperones chose that turn. At the end it didn't turn out so well. I was mad, but tried to have fun. It was kind of funny watching the teachers collaborate with each other. When we started to head off on that wrong turn there off course was a log jam and we didn't know where the other rivers were headed. So the teachers decided to walk the boats back. But that there was sort of a problem. The water was too deep and there were basically sweepers in our way but we did it. It took at least I think 3-4 hours. It was crazy. I was then officially mad because we had to walk back up stream. But we all made it. Teamwork. High five.:) We made it through and went back to the river and just started heading down stream. Mr Parrish and Wendy weren't with us because they went on a different path and were safe. They set up camp and tried looking for us when they reached a near tourist camp. The camp people brought Mr. Parrish to look for us but we made it. We were getting near to that Tourist Camp and they directed us to our camp. It was basically around the bend and we just started paddling. It was definetly cold. Of course it was we were soaked for like 3-4 hours maybe more. But we reached nearer and neared to camp and as everyone was arriving we quickly unloaded the boats and started to set camp up. When we put our tents back up we quickly changed into dry clothes. After everyone changed we the students had decided that the teachers were going to cook. Since they haven't in a while or seems like they never did. But it was okay. We ate, and had smores. Which tasted pretty good. LOL The teachers then went to bed while some of us just watched the stars and hung out. I then was getting tired and decided to go to bed because it was an exhausting day for me and probably for everyone else. But the rafting trip was fun and hope that next time the teachers make sure that they the correct loactions and what not. Just hope that they don't make that same mistake. LOL Just wish I could go again next year but hey at least I am graduating.:) Go Class of 2009!!!!!