Crimson (the sassy one)

I love my little brothers and sisters. They are fun at some points LOL and most of the time they get on my nerves like no tomorrow. LOL But when someone picks on them of course I stick up for them. LOL In a mean kind of way. LOL well towards the people who picks on them. Trust me you wouldn't want to be around me when I get mad or stick up for them. :) I love them that much.
1. ME
2. Phyllis
3. Cameron (my mom adopted my bro from her younger sis)
4. Crim Jr.
5. Crimson
6. Raymond (my moms sister adopted him)
7. Kalee
Phyllis- She is the one that always gets on my nerves but we try to get along. I love her to death.
Cameron- He is the one that always sticks up for us. He has our backs all the time. I love him too much.
Crim Jr.- The youngest boy. Mommas boy. LOL always cry to get his way. But we all love him and he is growing out of that now. Which is good. I love my little brother.
Crimson- She is the one that tries to follow me when parents are gone, which is so annoying. But I love her. She likes to sass back. Which is so annoying. We all love her though.
Raymond- My brother that was adopted to my moms older sister I only met him once. But I here about him once in a while. I still recall him as a brother. I love him and wish I could see him. I only got to see him when he was a new born. I want to see him. He has to come to my graduation. I love my lil brother that I barely see.
Kalee- LOL I have lots to say. She is the spoiledest one out of all of us. She has to follow me everywhere. And I mean everywhere. But I love her. She cries to get her way but we love her too much. Spoiled her too hard. I love my little sister.
My brothers and sisters are the best. LOL Sure we have those days where we argue and get so annoyed with each other but we have our reasons. We try to get along and try not to annoy each other. I love them so much. They are the best ever. They are pretty fun to play with when I am bored. We have our ways of trying not to annoy each other. The older ones except Kalee know how to give me space which is great. I love them!!!! We are FAMILY!!! Their the best. They look up to me and I look down to them.
1 comment:
your little brothers and sisters are awesome..when there not being bratty..lol
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